Statewide Resources
This tool provides mental health resources that were identified and approved by each of the 20 Regional Education Service Centers (ESC) through extensive collaborative efforts and analysis by the ESCs and their partners, including Local Mental Health Authorities (LMHAs) that partner with ESCs pursuant to HB 19, 86R. Each ESC worked within their regional communities to identify, review and submit resources related to student mental health that are available to schools within each region, in alignment with state policy and best practices for student mental health. TEA staff, other state agency program staff, partners through the AWARE Texas grant consortium and Communities in Schools consulted with the 20 ESCs to help inform updates and the identification of statewide mental health resources available to schools to populate this database. TEA, supported by the Region 14 Comprehensive Center, will continue to identify opportunities to collaborate with state organizations and regional partners to identify additional resources that strengthen access by schools and families as the initiative evolves.
Resources include evidence-based and promising programs and best practices that are intended to:
Create school environments that support the social, emotional, and academic development of students.
Identify students who may need additional behavioral or mental health support before issues arise.
Provide early, effective interventions to students in need of additional support.
Connect students and their families to specialized services in the school or community when needed.
Assist schools in aligning resources necessary to address the mental health of students.
- Resources in the database will be updated at a minimum between December of each odd year, and March of each even year, as specified by the Texas Legislature.
- Each ESC has the access and ability to identify, review, approve and update regional resources in the database at any time as determined necessary and as capacity allows by each region.
- TEA has access to update state-wide resources that can only be accessed through a single point of contact, rather than on a regional level in communities.
Updates and Contacts
State and regional partners collaborating on this initiative are available to support you with any questions, and to help Texas schools access mental health resources.
- For general inquiries or technical questions about this mental health resource database, or state-wide resources, please contact: info@schoolmentalhealthtxdatabase.org
- For additional information about Texas school mental health resources and best practices guidance, including access to a Toolkit, please visit: https://schoolmentalhealthtx.org
- TEA's Statewide Plan for Student Mental Health and Progress Reports include additional information on this database here: https://schoolmentalhealthtx.org/state-school-mental-health-plan
- For questions about specific regional resources, please identify and reach out to your ESC mental health representatives using the ESC Website links below to locate their contact information.